XB Software Ltd.

XB Software Ltd. Outsourcing company

http://xbsoftware.com/    51-200    2008

XB Software is a custom software development and QA outsourcing company based in Minsk, Belarus, with extensive experience in the development of cutting-edge web and mobile apps. Our developers have competence in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, .NET, PHP, Node.js, SQL and NoSQL technologies and use, among others, Yii framework, AngularJS and Webix JavaScript UI components library. We can outsource your programming efforts and are ready to handle your projects effectively at a reasonable price. Our team offers web development from scratch and can assist in fast migration of your desktop apps to web. We can update your apps to be compatible with any browser.

Belarus (Minsk)


Webix JavaScript UI Widgets Library


XB Staff Manager




CaptureInnovation, Inc.

BPMContext, LLC

Special Education Solutions, Inc

*All data is from free sources or was created by agent of company. Data may be incorrect or not full, please get more information directly in the company.