
InfoReach ISV\SP - Independent Software Vendor    51-200    1995

InfoReach Inc. provides broker-neutral, multi-asset technology for global electronic trading and analysis. Comprehensive, out-of-the-box functionality, rapid implementation and proven reliability make us the provider of choice for buy- and sell-side firms around the world. Trade-ready for both buy- and sell-sides, the InfoReach Trade Management System (TMS) provides pre/in/post trade analysis, pre-built and broker-provided algorithms, real-time, interactive charts and position monitoring, portfolio trading capabilities, order management and FIX connectivity in a multi-broker execution management system. An optional HiFREQ component supports low-latency, high-throughput trading across multiple asset classes. Other solutions include our FIX Engine, the InfoReach FIX Network (IFN), Brokereach EMS/OMS web-based trading system, Second Opinion™ transaction cost analysis service and Prelude, our lower-priced, hosted trading platform available on a risk-free, month-to-month basis. Ideal for trading environments of all sizes, InfoReach products deliver enterprise-strength performance—without the need for firms to build and maintain their own IT infrastructure.

United States (New York, Chicago)   Netherlands (Amsterdam)


Sell-Side TMSbd


Now sell-side firms can automate and optimize all their portfolio and single order trading with one cost-effective solution. The InfoReach Sell-Side trading platform integrates OMS functionality with the intelligent trading tools and advanced execution capabilities of an enterprise-strength trade management system.

InfoReach Second Opinion™


InfoReach Second Opinion™ is an interactive, enhanced transaction cost analysis (TCA) service, software that can help you improve operational efficiency and performance in trading.

Risk Control


It provides risk assessment of every order request and ensures compliance with preconfigured firm-specific trading constraints. Risk compliance covers orders originated manually, algorithmically, via API, or via FIX

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