FUJINET is a 100% Vietnamese capital of the company, we are a software development business. Major customers, the Japanese software company, has reached more than 90% of sales.
Going forward, as much as possible with the help of the Japanese software development, in FUJINET all employees, we aim to Japan for the development share №1 of Vietnam software industry.
sales management, purchasing management, inventory management, production management, cost management, is a comprehensive package that manages all of the business of the company, including the statistics, forms to help manage the work of the accounting or management.
The travel business package to migrate from the old language to VB.NET.
Fuji net charge of steps: analyzing the existing source, detailed design, coding, unit testing, integration testing
It is a project to migrate the system to manage the member from VB6.0 to VB.NET.
The existing system is developed in VB6, SQL Server 7.0, is a system that operates on the Windows95, Fujinet gave a conversion to our system VB.NET that can operate on Windows XP and Windows 7, to the SQL Server 2008 system.
Fuji net charge of the process: manufacturing and testing
*All data is from free sources or was created by agent of company. Data may be incorrect or not full, please get more information directly in the company.