Advance® Software

Advance® Software Outsourcing company    2004

Advance® SoftWare is a full-service interactive company based in Lviv, Ukraine. We develop, design and implement fast & professional an effective web solutions based on Open Source technologies and made by our own. We are able to rapidly, cost-effectively, and reliably create complete any web-based system. We create real business web applications for our clients - our works offer more efficient ways to do business in the new internet economy. With our strong competencies in web development, implementation, marketing, branding, technology and design we deliver world-class solutions to any communications challenge. Helping our customers to achieve their goals is the key to our long term success. We aim to listen to what customers tell us, respond professionally to questions and complaints and to build trust, respect and mutual understanding. In our undertakings we make effort to link experience with new technologies, knowledge with creativity, integral IT solutions with web techniques.

Ukraine (Lviv)


Google Checkout Level 2 for OscMax


This contribution will add a full support of a Google Checkout service to your OscMax store. While using Google checkout at your OscMax store you will be able to allow your customers to buy from you quickly and securely, using a single username and password without any account creation.

Google Checkout Level 1 for OscMax


This contribution will add a level 1 support of a Google Checkout service to your OscMax store.

Ajax Spell Checker for OsCommerce


Ajax Spell Checker for OsCommerce This contributions uses a combination of different libraries (including google) to provide spell checks using Ajax for textarea fields of your OsCommerce Store instantly, without page reloading. The spell checker used can be added to any text area on any page.

*All data is from free sources or was created by agent of company. Data may be incorrect or not full, please get more information directly in the company.